
Jose from Joe Mammas

Jose Bray owns one of the coolest bike shops in the country. It's the shop in Ottawa that sells bikes that other shops don't sell, like BMX, cruisers, fixies, etc. His BMX section is always stocked up with the latest goods and he always seems to be organizing some kind of jam or contest. He also knows a thing or two about partying. So what better shop to do our, "You're a Man Now Son" contest with.

We asked Jose a few questions about his shop and the jam that's coming up on June 13th.

What made you want to start a bike shop?
Could not buy what I wanted anywhere. Most shops fit into a stereotype of either road or mountain bike. Everyone seemed to have forgotten about bikes for having fun.

How long have you been in business?
5 years!

Why did you name it Joe Mamma’s? Are you referring to my mamma?

I am talking about Joe Mamma…….Yo, just got my bike from Joe Mamma and she rides great.

How stoked are you to party with some 18 year old American kid on his birthday? Do you think you’re going to enhance his life, or do you think you’re going to ruin it?

It depends on how much fun they are willing to have, and how well they handle their booze! We are known for being a rowdy bunch in Ottawa so he better be prepared to have some fun.

You are in the nation's capitol. Have you ever had a famous politician come into the shop?

Jack Layton has got his flat tire fixed by Joe Mamma!

What are you most psyched about for the Ottawa weekend?

Taking some time to ride my bike with some friends. I hope I remember how to ride.

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