
Last Days in BC

The last few days of the tour were spent roaming around British Columbia, we covered a ton of ground in a few short days. Greg, Dillon and I flew in on Thursday afternoon and met up with Max Vincent (Federal), who flew in earlier that day, Miron and James Steele for some sushi. Jared Washington (Federal) flew in later that night and crashed at the hotel with us. The next day we met up with Andy Roode and did a pretty decent park tour: Plaza, Parkgate, Kirkstone and finally Hastings. Dillon and Max killed Hastings and everyone else got down all over the place. That night we all hit the Bourbon for some festivities, too much fun.

The next day our convoy assembled with the addition of Travis Collier, Harrison Boyce and Terry Carson and we made our way to the Inferno Jam at Penticton skatepark. The jam was super chill, everyone rode really well, and we topped the afternoon off with a swim in the lake. We headed to Kelowna that night, got down in the hotel and met up with everyone for a wild night.

After everyone was up and running the next morning we headed to Vernon and rode the Coldstream skatepark which was a ton of fun. We topped the day off with a wild cliff jumping session and then headed back to Van. I'm still waiting on some film that I shot from the trip, so watch out for that stuff as well as a full edit that Harrison filmed. Check back!

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